All of My Classes This Year

My core classes consist of Biology 1, Humanities 1, Spanish 1, and Geometry. Biology is self eplaitory, Humanities is an english class, spanish is torture, and geometry is math. Humanities is the only class worth elaborating on. It is the course dedicated for gifted and talented students. It takes the place of an english class, but english isn't the only thing we do. We have a research project that started at the beginning of the school year and ends at the beginning of May. It started at Ideas to Innovation, or I2I, and evolved into create-a-country. I2I was supposed to be something to solve a problem and it was mainly as individuals or teams, but create-a-country consists of the entire class divided into smaller teams. I am the task manager of the economy team. We are incharge of taxes, budget, currency, and everything else money. For the full list of teams, refer to the create-a-country pdf.

I am also in the Web Technologies class in the Career and Technical Education department. It is all about making and styling webpages by using XHTML and CSS. It makes for a good introduction to coding and a gateway to higher level material.